Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What are your dreams?

We go through life not wondering why we are attracted to things, we usually allow others to make that assumption for us...teachers, doctors, therapists, psychologists, parents, friends, loved ones....why?  Why do most of us allow our past environments to have such a profound effect on our present lives?....Because we have no choice.  These are the cards we've been dealt.  These are the tasks we've been given...or so we believe.  The reason why our dreams don't come true is because we don't allow them to.  We are bound by our social order to renounce anything that would distort our view of life and what it has brought us.  We accept the next day as an immediate result of yesterday...but our minds are at play 24/7 and our days are a result of your whole life's choices.  Choices that at any point in time can be changed and in due time bring the dreams you've been waiting for.   This is the principle on which I will build my life on.  I will not say no to anything but I may contemplate a choice before I make it.  You see to me anything can be an opportunity to realize my dream.  Religion taught us that God works in mysterious ways...there is more truth to that than I could have ever imagined.  I am here as proof that God has a love for us and wants us to follow our dreams...or else I wouldn't be here to write this.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My new "religion."

For thousands of years, we have looked to the skies for answers to who we are, where we came from, and what to do.  We have felt the energy in the cosmos and we have given it many names...GOD, EL, JEHOVAH, ALL MIGHTY, GRAND ARCHITECT, ZEUS.... whatever your geographical location dictated what you called it.  It was in the mind of the masses.  It is a anthropomorphic view of the eternal power of the universe.  The power that resides within us all.  Everything in this universe that we perceive as real is matter.  EVERYTHING!  We are a mass of energy that as creative beings have formed into these vessels we call bodies.  We are eternally connected.  Whether you see it or not there is matter all around us.  There is no empty air.  There is energy that connects us to everything in this universe.  We are made of the same things and thereby can communicate with everything.  Our bodies are earth, water, air, fire, and our souls are aether.  We are living souls.  We have been given a great gift, the gift of a separate consciousness to perceive this world as solid and to experience life on it with all of nature.  This life is for us to enjoy.  To do whatever we want.  To experience anything we want.  We can be or do anything and none will stand in judgement.  "God" is said to know everything.  if we take the collective knowledge of every living being in this universe...we could know everything as well.  I'm not here to denounce the religions of this world.  On the contrary, if you truly do believe in the words of the prophets and you adhere to them and live your life by them, then surely you are at peace in pure bliss within your life.  If not then you can not be upset at someone revealing an alternative to what you "believe."  The religious doctrines of the past weren't wrong.  The prophets all spoke truths.  It was those placed in power, by us none the less, who corrupted the teachings and led us into darkness.  Every religion speaks of the power within.  Every religion speaks of gratitude and happiness.  Yet no religious leader has ever portrayed it that way.  We were led to fear our creator thus creating a paradox...YOU CAN NOT FEAR WHAT YOU CHOOSE LOVE!  You must have an unconditional respect for it but fear will only push it away.  If you want to be happy and enjoy this life...this one and only life that you will have on this planet, then believe that you are.  Be grateful for what you have and you will have more of it.  I stand before you and tell you with all honesty.  I have searched for years for a "dogma" that would explain to me the whose, whats, wheres, and whys of this life and I have finally found a doctrine that allows me to truly understand the world around me.  I have found peace in the feeling inside my soul.  It is love that attracts us all.  Love is that "aether".  Love is "God."  Love is the light in this universe.  Love is my new religion.

Trust is key in getting a tattoo.

Most people who walk into a tattoo parlor have no idea of what they want, just that they want a tattoo.  Other's have a vague idea, others have an elaborate vision, other's might even bring in a picture.  But do you really know what you want?  Are you an artist? If so, are you confident enough of your skills in designing a tattoo?  Do you care if other people share the same tattoo as yours?  The key to deciding what tattoo to get is to decide why you want one.  The earliest evidence we have of tattoos in our world date back to a time when tattoos weren't cool, they were connections to the Gods or therapeutic practice.  We marked ourselves believing that the areas marked would be healed, or the evil spirits of the world would be warded off in fear of the markings, or the Gods would be pleased to know of our dedication to them.  What ever the reason, tattoos have filled our conscious bodies with images within our minds.  Where do you want it?  To most people a tattoo is their idea of who they are and they show it on the outside.  To others it's still taboo and they hide it.  Regardless of where you choose to place it, it may not be the best place for that specific tattoo.  I don't mean that getting an image of human genitalia on you face is wrong...but it may not fit area to best show the details...Who will do it?  This is the biggest and most important factor and the reason behind these words you read.  In our past the persons who performed some of the most complicated and elaborate markings were the tribe shamans, priests or chieftains.  Now we are but mere slaves to the needles, artists, tattoers, amateur or pro we are your chosen artistic avatar; we are no longer emissaries to the Gods.  However we ARE the ones you will come to to get a tattoo of the vision you have in your mind.  As with everything in this world, nothing happens without it affecting something else.  Nothing happens for no reason.  You were attracted to the artist, by recommendation, own knowledge, or sheer luck.  If you "feel" he/she is the one then you must "listen" to the feelings you'll get once you describe what you want and the artist draws up his sketch.  If the tooist is attuned to you, he/she will show you exactly what you saw in your mind.  It may not be as big as you thought, or bigger than you imagined, maybe not as detailed, maybe not as colorful or lacking of color, but you will like it and that means it's yours.  The artist has made a subconscious connection to you and has seen your vision in his own mind.  Be careful not to confuse "liking" with "being polite" if you don't agree with it completely don't go through with it.  Make the artist fix it.  This is a process that unless you have the money to remove it, it is permanent.  Not everyone who tattoos will please your vision, so visit several artists until you "feel" what you saw in your mind.  As an artist I have tattooed many people, looking back I have grown in my skill as much as I have in my soul.  I can recall the persons' feelings towards my work and their gratitude for it.  Whether the artist is a pro or not, if you like his work you like his work and that's all that really matters.  Grab a hold of those feelings of gratitude for seeing your vision come to life.  Let them guide you to your feelings of harmony because those are the markings that will connect you to your "God."